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Sandler Training | Chattanooga, TN | (423) 702-5579

Why was yesterday a success?  Why does your prospect need you now?  Why do they think your solution is the best solution?  

Why will your customer pay more for your product?

Why is your pipeline full?  Why did you close 20% more customers last month?  Why did that sales call go so smoothly?

Why are your staff and co-workers helping you? Why are the operational problems getting resolved? 

Why has your income increased?  Why are you optimistic regardless of the news? 

Every child knows how to use the "WHY?"   Mom says "go to bed" the child says "why?" --- "eat your veggies" the child says "why?"    The question is powerful - but many don't use it because we remember hearing our children ask it.  

"Thanks for calling - but we are happy with our current vendor"   "that's interesting - why?" 

"Bob - we think your company is at the top of our list!"  "Thank you Bob, why?" 

The tactic is to have the customer explain to you the reasons for their decisions - thus either reinforcing their decision - or forcing them to think about their current situation enough to verbalize to you why they are right. 

USE SOFTENING STATEMENTS:  the constant "why" needs to be preceded by a softening line - such as "thanks" or "that's a good point" or "I understand" or "I agree" etc.  

LISTEN:  Once you ask "why?" make sure to listen actively to the answer.  You are tearing down the wall the prospect or customer has built up against bad sales people.  They will tell you how to sell them if you listen.

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