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Sandler Training | Chattanooga, TN | (423) 702-5579

Successful leaders are. They are obsessed with doing what has to be done each and every day to reach their goals. They have an obsession for doing those things to their very best ability - no compromises. They are absolutely, positively obsessed with their work while they are engaged in it. That doesn't mean they work 14 hours per day, seven days a week. It does mean that while they are working, they have no time to "shoot the breeze" at the water cooler, watch the clock, read the sports page, surf the Web, or participate in the radio station phone-in contest. Those activities are reserved for non-working hours ("no-pay" time).

Their obsession is revealed in several ways.

They are disciplined. Successful salespeople know what they have to do and when they have to do it. They have a plan. Their effort and energy are focused on those activities that take them closer to their goals. They take advantage of all resources available to them.

They are learners. Successful leaders learn everything they can about their product or service, their industry, their competition, and their marketplace. They keep informed about industry trends, new technologies, and legislation that can affect their business or that of their customers. They take action. They are continually moving forward. Strategies and techniques are worthless unless implemented. Successful sales leaders know that in the sales arena, there are only two operating states - making a sale and not making a sale. They have learned to maximize the former and minimize the latter. They don't get bogged down with overplanning and overpreparation - they're too busy making things happen.

They are motivated. While money is a convenient element with which to keep score, successful leaders are driven by a larger purpose than just making money. Whether it is to become the very best in their industry or simply make a contribution to their company or clients, there is something more than money that causes them to start work early and stick steadfastly to their mission.

So, are you obsessed? If you're not, it's not too late. Decide exactly what you want for yourself, your family, your business, your associates, and your clients. Develop your cookbook to success - the short-term and long-term goals and the monthly, weekly, and daily activities necessary to accomplish those goals.

Start each and every day with a list of the business objectives to accomplish. List the necessary activities required and then work relentlessly to get them done by the end of the day. Decide what your bigger purpose is. Utilize the resources available to you and take action consistently. Become obsessed -- greater levels of success await you.

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